Sunday, June 13, 2010

Our Bird Sanctuary

Andrew is so excited about birds right now. He and the neighbor set up a bird sanctuary in the front yard. Most of the time we have 10-30 birds in the front yard. Andrew and the neighbor made habitats for birds, frogs, rabbits, and lizards. They set up buckets with a sign next to them asking for donations for the SPCA and the Giant Panda. They also both called family members asking for donations. They ended up raising around $80. We are so proud of him. Reed and I have learned a lot about birds in the past couple of months. Andrew has a list on the door with all the birds that we have seen. Everytime we see a new bird he gets so excited. We love his enthusiasm. What a good boy!


Meredith said...

Wow, what exactly is in your bird sanctuary? It must be working, whatever it is, to get so many birds to come. Andrew is such an awesome kid. I don't think I've ever been that gung ho about anything!

Maren said...

Maybe all environmental movements should be led by kids like Andrew. I don't think I ever raised $80 for anything.

Ken said...

Tell andrew that Cousin Jones thinks he is awesome and that I would love to take him through Summit County when the Bald Eagles migrate through. I saw 25 in one day once.