Sunday, February 8, 2009

Imaginary Boss?

I've heard of kids having imaginary friends, but have you ever heard of one with an imaginary boss? Well that is what Andrew has. He is constantly telling us what his boss says and does. Sometimes when I tell him that he needs to do something he says, "I already knew that mama. My boss told me." In fact the other day he wrote a letter to his boss telling him that he was not a good boss so he (Andrew) was getting a new boss. So now he talks about his "new boss." It is really funny and slightly disturbing, because he really does talk about him a lot!

Here's another cute Andrew story. The other day Reed was helping him get ready for bed, and Andrew says, "Oh daddy, there is a great new kind of diaper out that you should get for Eric...Huggies Ultra Fit. They're new and they're really good." Advertising works! He had seen a commercial for them when he was watching Dora. He just said it so matter-of-factly that it was hilarious.


Meredith said...

Hmm, those Huggies ultra fit do sound pretty good. I say go for it!

As for the imaginary boss, that's really weird.But I guess it's good for him to have a sense of the real world already!

SuziQ said...

Ugh, kids and commercials...that's one blog post I haven't written yet but should. Averie is a walking TV ad!

Mom at Our House said...

One day I will have to tell you about my oldests imaginary friend. I would right it down, but it would just sound bad with out an explination.