Saturday, February 28, 2009

Talk About Adorable Torture

We went to get our pictures taken last Saturday. Let's just say that our photographer earned her money. Andrew started off good and then he started thinking about it too much. Everytime she asked him to smile he would bite his lower lip. She finally told Andrew that if he did it again she was going to spank him. Well he didn't think that was funny so he was done for.It took Eric about 5 seconds to burst into tears. I began to think that it just wasn't going to work out. Looking back through the pictures though is pretty funny watching Eric's range of emotions. Enjoy!


Mom at Our House said...

SO cute.
I love the first one of Eric the most.
Where did you get them taken?

Meredith said...

Hmmm, I do understand that after a while it gets hard to do good smiles in pictures. I understand, Andrew! My smile always starts getting either really big and goofy or very fixed and obviously fake.

michele84084 said...

A spanking? Wow that seems harsh! No wonder he was done; I'd be done too... I think his lip biting smile is sweet. Both your boys are so cute and getting BIG.